Infusion components are configured using options that are defined by the component developer and customized by the integrator. While component developers are free to define whatever options are appropriate for their component, the Infusion Framework supports a number of predefined options. This page briefly describes these predefined options and provides links more information about the related Framework functionality.Some predefined options should not be overridden by integrators: They are strictly for the use of the component developer. This is noted in the descriptions below. Options Supported By All Components GradesThe following options are supported by all component grades: Table of Content Zone |
| gradeNames Div |
| Description | An array of string grade names. |
Notes | In addition to the grade names, the array should include the special "autoInit" value, which instructs the Framework to create the component creator function automatically. NOTE: "autoInit" is the preferred way of creating components, and will become the default for Infusion 2.0. Always use this grade name, unless you have a special reason to not want the framework to fabricate a creator function (perhaps, because your grade is not instantiable). |
Example Definition | Code Block |
| fluid.defaults("", {
gradeNames: ["fluid.modelComponent", "fluid.eventedComponent", "autoInit"],
}); |
See also | Component Grades |
nickName Div |
| Description | Specifies a custom nickname for the component. The nickname is used by the Framework as an extra context name which can reference the component. By default, the nickname is derived from the component name. |
Notes | This option was historically used to work around various framework deficiencies that have now been corrected. It will be removed from an upcoming revision of the framework. |
Example Definition | Code Block |
| fluid.defaults("", {
nickName: "myComponentName",
}); |
See also | fluid.computeNickName |
mergePolicy Div |
| Description | An object providing instructions for how particular options should be merged when integrator options are merged with default values. |
Notes | It is uncommon to need this option. The most common use case is to protect "exotic values" derived from some external library or framework from being corrupted by the options merging/expansion process by use of the "nomerge" policy. |
Example Definition | Code Block |
| fluid.defaults("", {
mergePolicy: {
option1: "noexpand",
option2: "nomerge",
}); |
See also | Options Merging |
invokers Div |
| Description | An object defining methods on the component whose arguments are resolved from the environment as well as the direct argument list at invocation time. |
Notes | |
Example Definition | Code Block |
| fluid.defaults("", {
invokers: {
inv1: {...},
inv2: {...},
}); |
See also | Invokers |
members Div |
| Description | An object defining properties to be added to the component object. These can be anything, including methods, strings, objects, etc. Definitions are evaluated as IoC expressions. |
Notes | members differ from invokers in that the arguments of members are not resolved at invocation time. The right-hand-side may contain an expander definition, which may perhaps itself resolve onto an invoker.
Example Definition | Code Block |
| fluid.defaults("", {
members: {
member1: "{that}.options.optionsValue",
member2: "{theOther}.dom.otherSelector",
}); |
components Div |
| Description | An object containing named definitions of the component's subcomponents. |
Notes | This (the subcomponent record) is one of the core sources from which the options configuring a component in a particular context. The total set of options sources are: i) the original defaults record, ii) the subcomponent record, iii) direct user options (supplied to a component creator function), iv) distributed options |
Example Definition | Code Block |
| fluid.defaults("", {
components: {
subcomponent1: {
type: "component.subcomp1",
options: {...}
}); |
See also | Tutorial - Subcomponents |
dynamicComponents Div |
| Description | An object containing named definitions of the component's dynamic subcomponents |
Notes | Some special context names may be available within the subcomponent's definition block, for example {source} and {sourcePath} or {arguments} . This framework facility will be replaced by a more declarative equivalent in time and should be used with caution. |
Example Definition | Code Block |
fluid.defaults("", {
dynamicComponents: {
dynamic1: {
type: "component.subcomp1",
source: "{context}.someArray",
options: {...}
}); |
See also | Tutorial - Subcomponents |
Little ComponentsComponents defined with a grade of littleComponent support all of the common options described above, and no others. Component developers are free to define their own additional options.See also: Component Grades Model ComponentsComponents defined with a grade of modelComponent/modelRelayComponent support all of the common options described above, as well as those defined below. Component developers are free to define their own additional options.See also: Component Grades The following options are supported by model components: Table of Content Zone |
| model Include Page |
| _model option description |
| _model option description |
applier Include Page |
| _applier option description |
| _applier option description |
changeApplierOptions Include Page |
| _changeApplierOptions option description |
| _changeApplierOptions option description |
Evented ComponentsComponents defined with a grade of eventedComponent support all of the common options described above, as well as those defined below. Component developers are free to define their own additional options.See also: Component Grades The following options are supported by evented components: eventsDescription | An object containing key/value pairs that define the events the component will fire: the keys are the event names, the values define the type of the event (see Infusion Event System for information on the different event types). |
Notes | The Framework will create event firers for the listed events. It is the responsibility of the component to fire the events at the appropriate times. |
Example Definition | fluid.defaults( "" , {
events: {
onSave: "preventable" ,
onReady: null
See also | Infusion Event System |
listenersDescription | An object defining listener functions for the events supported by a component. |
Notes | Both component developers and integrators can define listeners for events. Invokers and Expanders can be used as listeners here. Note that as well as being a simple string holding the name of an event on this component, a listener key may also be a full IoC Reference to any other event held in the component tree (for example "{parentComponent}.events.parentEvent" . As well as being a simple function name, a the value associated with the key may be a Listener Record or else follow the syntax of an Invoker indicating that the registered listener receives a different signature from the one that the event has fired (see Event injection and boiling). |
Example Definition | fluid.defaults( "" , {
events: {
onSave: "preventable" ,
onReady: null
listeners: {
onSave: ""
Example Override | var myComp =, {
listeners: {
onReady: "myNamespace.myReadyNotificationFn",
See also | Infusion Event System |
View ComponentsComponents defined with a grade of viewComponent support all of the common options described above, as well as those defined below. Component developers are free to define their own additional options.See also: Component Grades The following options are supported by view components: Table of Content Zone |
| model Include Page |
| _model option description |
| _model option description |
applier Include Page |
| _applier option description |
| _applier option description |
changeApplierOptions Include Page |
| _changeApplierOptions option description |
| _changeApplierOptions option description |
eventsSee fluid.eventedComponent above for details listenersSee fluid.eventedComponent above for details
selectors Include Page |
| _selectors option description |
| _selectors option description |
Renderer ComponentsComponents defined with a grade of rendererComponent support all of the common options described above, as well as those defined below. Component developers are free to define their own additional options.See also: Component Grades The following options are supported by renderer components: Table of Content Zone |
| model Include Page |
| _model option description |
| _model option description |
applier Include Page |
| _applier option description |
| _applier option description |
changeApplierOptions Include Page |
| _changeApplierOptions option description |
| _changeApplierOptions option description |
eventsSee fluid.eventedComponent above for details listenersSee fluid.eventedComponent above for details selectors Include Page |
| _selectors option description |
| _selectors option description |
selectorsToIgnore Div |
| Description | An array of selector names identifying elements that will be ignored by the Renderer. These elements will be displayed exactly as provided in the template, with no processing |
Notes | |
Example Definition | Code Block |
| fluid.defaults("cspace.header", {
selectors: {
menuItem: ".csc-header-menu-item",
label: ".csc-header-link",
searchBox: ".csc-header-searchBox",
logout: ".csc-header-logout",
user: ".csc-header-user",
userName: ".csc-header-userName"
selectorsToIgnore: ["searchBox", "logout"],
}); |
See also | |
repeatingSelectors Div |
| Description | An array of selector names identifying elements that will be repeated by the Renderer based on the data being rendered. For example, the selector for a table row that will be replicated many times should appear in the list of repeating selectors. |
Notes | |
Example Definition | Code Block |
| fluid.defaults("cspace.header", {
selectors: {
menuItem: ".csc-header-menu-item",
label: ".csc-header-link",
searchBox: ".csc-header-searchBox",
logout: ".csc-header-logout",
user: ".csc-header-user",
userName: ".csc-header-userName"
repeatingSelectors: ["menuItem"],
}); |
See also | |
produceTree Div |
| Description | A function that will return a Renderer Component Tree for the component. |
Notes | The referenced function must accept the component object as its only parameter and return a Renderer component tree.
NOTE that if both produceTree and protoTree are specified, only the produceTree function will be used; the protoTree will be ignored. |
Example Definition | Code Block |
| cspace.confirmationDialog.produceTree = function (that) {
var tree = {
return tree;
fluid.defaults("cspace.confirmationDialog", {
produceTree: cspace.confirmationDialog.produceTree,
}); |
See also | #protoTree Renderer Component Trees
protoTree Div |
| Description | A tree of Renderer protocomponents. |
Notes | NOTE that if both #produceTree and protoTree are specified, only the produceTree function will be used; the protoTree will be ignored. |
Example Definition | Code Block |
| fluid.defaults("cspace.searchTips", {
protoTree: {
searchTips: {decorators: {"addClass": "{styles}.searchTips"}},
title: {
decorators: {"addClass": "{styles}.title"},
messagekey: "searchTips-title"
expander: {
repeatID: "instructions",
type: "fluid.renderer.repeat",
pathAs: "row",
controlledBy: "messagekeys",
tree: {
messagekey: "${{row}}"
}); |
Example Override | Code Block |
| var searchTips = cspace.searchTips(container, {
protoTree: {
searchTips: {decorators: {"addClass": "{styles}.searchTips"}},
title: {
decorators: {"addClass": "{styles}.title"},
messagekey: "searchTips-title"
expander: {
repeatID: "instructions",
type: "fluid.renderer.repeat",
pathAs: "row",
controlledBy: "messagekeys",
tree: {
messagekey: "${{row}}"
}); |
See also | #produceTree Renderer Component Trees ProtoComponent Types
resources Div |
| Description | An object that lists resources (such as HTML files, CSS files, data files) required by the component. |
Notes | The specified resources will be loaded automatically and the file content will be stored within the resources object itself. |
Example Definition | Code Block |
| fluid.defaults("", {
resources: {
headerTemplate: {
href: "../templates/Header.html"
footerTemplate: {
href: "../templates/Footer.html"
}); |
Example Override | Code Block |
| var myComp =, {
resources: {
footerTemplate: {
href: "../templates/FrontPageFooter.html"
}); |
See also | fluid.fetchResources |
strings Div |
| Description | An object containing named strings or string templates. The strings will be used by the Renderer. |
Notes | The Framework will create a Message Resolver and add it to the component object if the strings option is present. |
Example Definition | Code Block |
| fluid.defaults("cspace.searchToRelateDialog", {
gradeNames: ["fluid.rendererComponent", "autoInit"],
strings: {
createNewButton: "Create",
title: "Add Related %recordType Record",
closeAlt: "close button",
relationshipType: "Select relationship type:",
createNew: "Create new record:",
addButton: "Add to current record"
}); |
Example Override | Code Block |
| var myDialog = cspace.searchToRelateDialog(container, {
strings: {
relationshipType: "Select a relationship type from the list below:",
createNew: "Create a new record:",
addButton: "Add this record to the current record"
}); |
See also | Message Resolver fluid.messageResolver |
rendererFnOptionsrendererOptions Div |
| Description | Options that will be included in the #rendererFnOptions as rendererOptions |
Notes | |
Example Definition | Code Block |
| fluid.defaults("cspace.searchBox", {
rendererOptions: {
autoBind: false
}); |
Example Override | Code Block |
| var search = cspace.searchBox(container, {
rendererOptions: {
autoBind: true
}); |
See also | Renderer Components #rendererFnOptions |
renderOnInit Div |
| Description | A boolean flag indicating whether or not the component should render itself automatically once initialization has completed. By default, renderer components do not render themselves automatically. |
Notes | This option is valid both for "autoInit" components and for components that are initialized manually, through fluid.initRendererComponent . |
Example Definition | Code Block |
| fluid.defaults("cspace.login", {
gradeNames: ["fluid.rendererComponent", "autoInit"],
renderOnInit: true,
}); |
Example Override | Code Block |
| var login = cspace.login(container, {
renderOnInit: false,
}); |
See also | |