Jira Legacy | ||||||
- Community
- Code of Conduct
- Mailing List
- Wiki
- Issue Tracker
- Chat (e.g. Matrix, IRC, Slack, etc.)
- Standup Meetings
- Licensing
- Artifacts
- Code license
- Documentation license
- Design license
- etc.
- digital signing (e.g. CLA assistant)
- signed paper document
- Releases
- Research Consent
- informed consent
- Artifacts
- Source Code
- Version control system
- Hosted solution (e.g. GitHub)
- Commits
- commit straight to repo
- Require PRs
- Require Code review by maintainer
- Dev branch
- Merge process (see: Git Merge Strategies)
- Always work (create branches) in a fork
- commit logs
- format
- include issue number
- follow a known convention (e.g. Conventional Commits )
- format
- Maintainer access
- who has access
- only the creator
- anyone can request access
- determined by existing maintainers
- can be granted on an as needed bases
- other
- process for revoking access
- process for suspending access
- community responsibilities
- can be removed whenever access is no longer required
- who has access
- Other
- Continuous Integration
- Dev releases
- Unit tests
- Version number scheme (e.g. semver compliance)
- Version control system
- Design
- versioning
- access to source
- viewing
- adding/modifying
- process for tagging/marking milestones
- Require periodic design reviews (e.g. design crits)
- Require Co-Design
- Require User Testing