Currently, the Nexus API closely mirrors Infusion's public API. The Infusion API takes the form of JavaScript function calls made within a JavaScript VM (e.g. in a browser or a node.js process), and they address the component tree through path strings. The Nexus API takes the form of JSON payloads sent over plain HTTP and WebSockets, and they address the component tree through URLs specifying the host machine and path string. The two APIs are isomorphic and every message that can be sent in one form has a direct equivalent in the other.
Ongoing work on the Nexus API is discussed at Nexus design revisions.
The Nexus uses standard protocols originating in web technologies. The protocols named here are not exclusive, and it would be perfectly possible to construct bindings to the Nexus over other protocols if they were found sufficiently widespread and usefully adopted - such as MQTT, CoAP, etc. The intent of the Nexus and its protocols is to usefully constrain semantics in a way that will promote genuine interoperability - that is, to promote the chance that messages may be successfully understood and acted upon, with minimal fresh programming-language-level development ("code") and architectural overhead - rather than that they may merely be ''received'' and ''decoded'', which is the province of the underlying protocols themselves.