Scheduling Tool Features
- Calendar for service provider
- View appointments
- Add appointment
- Modify appointment
- Remove appointment
- Service provider can set a default availability schedule
- Service provider can block off or open up times from their schedule
- Service provider can specify default length of service and time between service appointments
- Client can view the availability of a particular service provider
- Client can view cumulative availability for a service
- Client can make an appointment with a specific provider or be assigned a provider at a specific time
- Service provider and client are notified about new appointments
- Service provider and client receive reminder(s) about appointments
- Client can cancel appointments within specified time periods
Knowledge Sharing Tool Features
- Open forums
- Messaging tools
- Information sharing tools including audio, video and textual information
- SMS support
Governance Tool Features
- Member accounts
- Proposal creation
- Communication about and refinement of proposals
- Voting on proposals
- SMS voting on proposals
Labour Platform Features (Future Scope)
- Informational site for the labour platform
- Branding
- General information
- Service descriptions
- Client accounts
- Service provider accounts
- Service search/browse
- Service selection/request at a location in a time period
- Interactive map of service area
- For clients show location of services where applicable
- For service providers show location of jobs
- Client search/job selection at a location in a time period
- Communication between client and service provider
- Details of job
- Service quote
- Worker selection
- Service scheduling
- Service payment
- Service review
- Metrics gathering
- Location tracking of workers
- Panic button
Co-op Administration Platform Features (Future Scope)
- Informational site
- Introduction to platform cooperativism
- Introduction to the specific co-op
- Continuing education
- Member management
- Information sharing between members
- Open forums
- Messaging tools
- Information sharing tools including audio, video and textual information
- Payment intermediary
- Tax support
- Billing support
- Administrative forms automatically filled out where possible
- Track activity
- Compliance reminders
- Licensing