Presenters: Jutta, Alastair McEwin
- Tech is changing so fast that this is not a reasonable deadline, and
- Is it even possible to define what we mean by an accessible Ontario?
- Need to rethink the framework - therefore proposing the Accessibility Ecosystem
- 1 Education of accessibility at all levels and professional education systems
- 2 procurement - no government spending that introduces further barriers
- 3 participation of people with disabilities
- has a coherent place from which it can feed into trusted authority
- give the public a role rather than being passive witness
- enforcement and compliance - don't have the power
- can make recommendations, scrutinize government proposed laws, human rights investigations
- consult with members of parliament
- inquiries e.g. into employment of people with disabilities
- a voice for community concerns - not involved in individual issues
- independent of individual complaint mechanism (i.e. human rights commission)
- manufacturer of ITC not regulated - global companies
- Government of Ontario has some control (Crown Agency)
- The various transit systems under the umbrella of Metrolinx have a say
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metrolinx
- shared funding across jurisdictions
- monitoring component of that compliance - reporting, monitoring/auditing, fining
- compare with environmental fines for polluting companies vs. services that are not accessible
- barriers and opportunities will come up as we navigate the seas
- sails - directed by context change and innovation
- 3 components running ship:
- accessibility law is the compass showing you the way,
- trusted authority - the loop moving between TA and accessibility law - constant feedback and forward,
- community hub - provides training, resources, tools, research, guidance, innovative approaches to addressing a11y barriers
- accessibility as a process rather than a destination or product!
- the ship will sink if something moves - open to suggestions about the metaphor
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