- Procedure
- Complete Test 88
- Use the ctrl-alt/option-r short cut to reset the first discovery tool
- Delete the .gpii-user-token.txt and .first-discovery-preferences.txt files from the USB drive
- Expected Results
- The tool should be restored to it's initial state
- Self voicing should be enabled and reading out the instructions
- The self voicing toggle should say "turn voice OFF"
- The Language screen should be displayed
- The step count should be "Step 1 of 15"
- The .gpii-user-token.txt and .first-discovery-preferences.txt files should have been deleted from the USB drive without any errors.
Task Oriented Functional Tests
- Procedure
- Open the browser and navigate to the specified URL
- Change some preferences
- use the ctrl-alt/option-r keyboard short cut to reset first discovery
- Expected Results
- The page should reload at the start page and be in the default state
- Stop Test
- clear the browser cookie
- Delete the .gpii-user-token.txt and .first-discovery-preferences.txt files from the USB drive
Boundary Tests
Tests which should cause errors or not be accepted as input
Attempt to use the tool in various situations, using your imagination and freedom to explore the interface and interactions.