Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

P4All Business Models
Major Functions/Functional Packages

  • Assistance on Demand (AOD)
  • Developer Space (Dspace)
  • eLearning
  • Unified Listing
  • Open Marketplace
  • Transforming Media

Underlying Infrastructure

  • Preferences & Preference Server (Cloud4All)
  • Language Translation
  • Unified Listing Database
  • SP2 components Repository (maybe not created use GitHub or …)

Higher Level Superstructure

  • SP3 projects
  • FLOE
  • Spago BI
  • LifeTool
  • Others….


Rated Business Models and Payment Systems


Business Models








Payment Systems





































Unified Listing








Open Market








Transforming Media









UL Database
















Language Translation







Comp. Repository






√- Check Minus – Not recommended. The business model or payment system does not fit well with the underlying functionality and/or the drawbacks would significantly and negatively impact the adoption of the functional package if this approach was taken. This approach may still be workable but will offer some challenges.
Check – Acceptable. The business model or payment system may not be completely optimal for the functional package but the approach may work well for some of the elements within that functional package or with specific user groups or under specific situations. Both the pros and cons need to be weighed to determine if this approach is best.
√+ Check Plus – Recommended. The business model or payment system seems to be one of the best options for the functional package. More than one business model or payment approach may be equally optimal and either multiple options supported or the best of the best (√++) selected.

Business Models

Business model




Customers can find several different services and products in one place
The broker is seen as trustworthy by customers
Logistics, payment transactions etc. are provided by the broker
The broker can combine the BM with for instance advertising, transactions

The broker has to engage two or more groups of stakeholders
Without one stakeholder group, the other one cannot be engaged
Transactions are probably needed to be fulfilled in order to gain revenue

Advertising/ Affiliates

Gives customers the possibility of using a service for free
Can be combined with other BMs
Interesting if you have many customers
Can be targeted to your customers
Possibility to reach more customers through other actors
The customer is exposed to advertisements that might be in their interests

Information sources can be seen as less trustful by customers
Too much advertising can be annoying for customers
Have to reach a lot of users to be interesting to advertisers
The website can be seen as less trustworthy due to advertisements


Gives customers the possibility of using service for free
Gives the owner access to valuable information
Can be combined with other BMs

The owner needs to be trustworthy and needs access to data
The customer can find it sensitive to share certain type of data


Accessibility for the customer
The owner can easily predict the demand
The owner has a recurring revenue
Access to customer information

The owner has to create a lasting value
The model does not suit every customer segment


Gives the customer access to a network of people and clout
Recurring revenue (paid membership)
Access to customer information
Can be combined with other BMs

The owner has to create a lasting value
The owner probably has to gain revenue through another BM

Transaction Based (Utility )

The customers pay for what they use
Low barrier for buying
Can be combined with other BMs
The customer gets access to a global market and 24-hour availability
The customer gets lower prices and more to choose from
The owner does not need to set up a store etc.
It is easy for the owner to gather customer information

Revenue is difficult to estimate for the owner
The customer has lost the availability to verify product quality
Trust and risk issues
The owner and the customer have to deal with security threats as well as cultural and legal issues


Minimum barrier for entry of customers
Viral marketing
Easier to sell the premium version to a "free" customer than a new one
The owner gets access to free beta testing
Large number of users can support other BMs

The owner has to define the difference in value between free and premium version
The owner has to find a balance between free and premium users
The customer do not get access to the premium version without paying


The owner receives funding from multiple sources
The users get early access to new solutions
A diverse set of actors/users can contribute
The owner can get access to knowledge that cannot be found in-house
The users get early access to new solutions

Insecure or unreliable funding
Need to engage the crowd


Payment Systems and Approaches





Community currency

Pure Barter

Currency in different units

Barter units


International currency

Equity; Stock options



Intellectual Property rights


Digital currency; BitCoin


"Pay it forward"


Payment for someone else


Credit Card

Reward (prize)


Credit Card network

Reward (like air miles)


PayPal (others like it)

Discount for providing review (buyer or seller)





Stored value (pre-paid) card



Direct bank transfer



On-line bank transfer (like payment via email)



NFC – Mobile - Smartcards



M-Pesa (others like it)