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{div:class=component-api-page | Wiki Markup | } The UI Options component works in conjunction with the UI Enhancer component and the [Infusion13:Fluid Skinning System (FSS)] to allow users to set personal user interface preferences. {excerpt}The UI Options component provides a user interface for setting and saving personal preferences{excerpt}, and the UI Enhancer component carries out the work of applying those preferences to the user interface. Three version of UI Options are available: * [Full page|Full Page UI Options] * [Full page, with preview|Full Page UI Options (with Preview)] * [Fat panel|Fat Panel UI Options] *Do not use this component directly.* The information on this page should be use when customizing one of the three versions. *See Also* [Fat Panel UI Options] [Full Page UI Options (with Preview)] [Full Page UI Options] [UI Enhancer] {include:_UIO new in 1.4} {anchor:top} {div2:class=summary-table} ||[#Supported Events]|{{[#modelChanged]}}\\ Fires when the user changes an interface control.\\ \\ {{[#onAutoSave]}}\\ Fires when the settings are about to be automatically saved.\\ \\ {{[#onCancel]}}\\ Fires when the user cancels their changes to the settings.\\ \\ {{[#onReset]}}\\ Fires when the user resets the settings.\\ \\ {{[#onSave]}}\\ Fires when the settings are about to be saved.\\ \\ {{[#onUIOptionsComponentReady]}}\\ Fires once the component has completed it's initialization.\\ \\ {{[#onUIOptionsRefresh]}}\\ Fires whenever the settings have been saved or reset, or when changes are cancelled. | ||Methods| _none_ | ||[#Options]|{{[#autoSave]}}\\ A boolean indicating whether or not the setting will save automatically when changed.\\ \\ *{{listeners}}*\\ See [#Supported Events] for information.\\ \\ *{{selectors}}*\\ See below. | ||[#Selectors]| {{[#cancel]}}\\ The 'cancel' button\\ \\ {{[#layoutControls]}}\\ Container for the layout controls\\ \\ {{[#linksControls]}}\\ Container for the links controls\\ \\ {{[#previewFrame]}}\\ The {{<iframe>}} for the preview\\ \\ {{[#reset]}}\\ The 'reset' button\\ \\ {{[#save]}}\\ The 'save' button\\ \\ {{[#textControls]}}\\ Container for the text controls | {div2} h2. Supported Events {span:class=back-to-top}[back to top|#top]{span} {include:_supported events intro} h3. modelChanged {div2:class=api-table} ||Description|This event fires when the user adjusts one of the controls in the UI Options interface. | ||Type| default | ||Parameters| _newModel_\\ The overall model containing the user's current selections.\\ \\ _oldModel_\\ A "snapshot" of the previous state of the model, before the change.\\ \\ _changeRequest_\\ The original change request object. | ||Availability| Infusion 1.3 and later | ||See also| [Firing a change using a ChangeApplier|Infusion13:ChangeApplier#Firing a change using a ChangeApplier] | {div2} h3. onAutoSave {div2:class=api-table} ||Description|When the {{[#autoSave]}} option is set to {{true}}, this event fires before the settings are automatically saved. Note that this is not a "preventable" event. | ||Type| default | ||Parameters| none | ||Availability| Infusion 1.3 and later | ||See also| [Event Types|Infusion13:Infusion Event System#Event Types] | {div2} h3. onCancel {div2:class=api-table} ||Description|This event fires when the use cancels any changes to the settings, before the settings are restore to their previous values. | ||Type| default | ||Parameters| none | ||Availability| Infusion 1.3 and later | {div2} h3. onReset {div2:class=api-table} ||Description|This event fires when the use resets the settings, before the settings are restore to the site's default values. | ||Type| default | ||Parameters| none | ||Availability| Infusion 1.3 and later | {div2} h3. onSave {div2:class=api-table} ||Description|This event fires when the user saves the settings, before the new settings are recorded in the settings store. | ||Type| default | ||Parameters| _selections_\\ A JavaScript object containing the user's selections. | ||Availability| Infusion 1.3 and later | ||See also| [Cookie Settings Store] | {div2} h3. onUIOptionsComponentReady {div2:class=api-table} ||Description|This event fires after the UI Options component has loaded its templates and attached any event handlers. This event triggers the creation of the subcomponents relating to the different settings. | ||Type| default | ||Parameters| _that_\\ The UI Options component object | ||Availability| Infusion 1.4 and later | {div2} h3. onUIOptionsRefresh {div2:class=api-table} ||Description|This event fires any time the settings are saved or reset, or when the user cancels their changes to the interface. | ||Type| default | ||Parameters| none | ||Availability| Infusion 1.4 and later | {div2} h2. Options {span:class=back-to-top}[back to top|#top]{span} h3. autoSave {div2:class=api-table} ||Description|A boolean indicating whether or not the setting will save automatically when changed.| ||Default| {{false}} | ||Example| {code:javascript}options: { autoSave: true } {code} | {div2} h3. selectors {div2:class=api-table} ||Description|A JavaScript object identifying CSS-based selectors for DOM elements that are of interest to the component. See [#Selectors] below for details.| ||See also| [#Selectors]| {div2} h2. Selectors {span:class=back-to-top}[back to top|#top]{span} {include:_selectors intro} The selectors supported by UI Options are described below. h3. cancel {div2:class=api-table} ||Description|The "cancel" button. | ||Default| ".flc-uiOptions-cancel"| ||Example| {code:javascript}selectors: { cancel: "#myCancelButton" }{code} | {div2} h3. layoutControls {div2:class=api-table} ||Description|Container where the layout controls will be rendered. This will typically be an empty {{div}}. | ||Default| ".flc-uiOptions-layout-controls"| ||Example|{code:javascript}selectors: { layoutControls: ".layout-controls" }{code} | ||See also| [Layout Controls]| {div2} h3. linksControls {div2:class=api-table} ||Description|Container where the links controls will be rendered. This will typically be an empty {{div}}. | ||Default| ".flc-uiOptions-links-controls"| ||Example| {code:javascript}selectors: { linksControls: "div.links-controls-container" }{code}| ||See also| [Links Controls] | {div2} h3. previewFrame {div2:class=api-table} ||Description|The {{<iframe>}} to be used for the preview (in the case of the Full With Preview version of UI Options). | ||Default| ".flc-uiOptions-preview-frame"| ||Example| {code:javascript}selectors: { previewFrame: "#previewIFrame" }{code}| ||See also| [Preview]| {div2} h3. reset {div2:class=api-table} ||Description|The "reset" button. | ||Default| ".flc-uiOptions-reset"| ||Example| {code:javascript}selectors: { reset: ".resetButton" }{code}| {div2} h3. save {div2:class=api-table} ||Description|The "save" button. | ||Default| ".flc-uiOptions-save"| ||Example|{code:javascript}selectors: { save: "input.save-button" }{code} | {div2} h3. textControls {div2:class=api-table} ||Description|Container where the text controls will be rendered. This will typically be an empty {{div}}. | ||Default| ".flc-uiOptions-text-controls"| ||Example| {code:javascript}selectors: { textControls: "#myTextControls" }{code}| ||See also| [Text Controls] | {div2} {div} |
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