Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Let's suppose you have some simple markup displaying your image collections. To use the Image Reorderer, your image thumbnails must each be within a <div> element, and the collection of thumbnails must be contained within an element. A simple example of this could be:

Code Block

<form action="#" id="reorder-images-form">
        <a href="Dragonfruit.jpg">
            <img src="Dragonfruit.jpg" alt="Dragonfruit thumbnail" />
             <title>Image Collection</title><input name="dragonfruit" value="0" type="hidden" /> 
         <body><a href="Dragonfruit.jpg">
     <div>       <div><img<img src="img1Dragonfruit.jpg"/></div> alt="Dragonfruit thumbnail" />
            <input name="dragonfruit" value="0" type="hidden" /> 
        <div><img<a srchref="img2Dragonfruit.jpg"/></div>>
            <div><img<img src="img3Dragonfruit.jpg"/></div> alt="Dragonfruit thumbnail" />
            <input  </div>name="dragonfruit" value="0" type="hidden" /> 


Step 2: Write the script


Step 3: Add the script to your HTML
