[12:37:17 CST(-0600)] <colinclark> How's the math in Julius's class going, thealphanerd?
[12:37:32 CST(-0600)] <thealphanerd> kasper: nice to meet you too
[12:37:33 CST(-0600)] <colinclark> kasper: thealphanerd worked on a Google Summer of Code project with me
[12:37:34 CST(-0600)] <colinclark> http://www.automagicmusicmaker.com/
[12:37:43 CST(-0600)] <kasper> ah cool
[12:37:48 CST(-0600)] <thealphanerd> colinclark: math is going great… blowing my mind… made a spectrogram the other day in matlab
[12:37:52 CST(-0600)] <colinclark> nice!