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[01:18:18 EDT(-0400)] * imran ( has joined #fluid-work
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[11:40:21 EDT(-0400)] <kasper> justin_o: I've tried catching up on the wiki with some of the QA documents for collectionspace, and I was wondering if you could skim through it when you have the time, to see if there is important stuff you think I've missed, it's too confusing/too short, etc, etc.. any criticism would be welcome
[12:15:20 EDT(-0400)] * kasper_ (~kasper@ has joined #fluid-work
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[13:46:17 EDT(-0400)] * Justin_o (~Justin@ has joined #fluid-work
[13:49:04 EDT(-0400)] <kasper> justin_o: I've tried catching up on the wiki with some of the QA documents for collectionspace, and I was wondering if you could skim through it when you have the time, to see if there is important stuff you think I've missed, it's too confusing/too short, etc, etc.. any criticism would be very welcome
[13:52:47 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> kasper: sure i can try to take a look, can you send me a link
[13:55:14 EDT(-0400)] <kasper> justin_o: ofc!
[13:55:18 EDT(-0400)] <kasper> justin_o: thanks a lot
[14:14:42 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> kasper: I'm a little confused about the supported environment page regarding the ones marked with "!"
[14:17:53 EDT(-0400)] <kasper> justin_o: yeah... I can see why .. until now we have not had the resources to test all the environments, so we picked four (the "!") that we test in qa periods, and which we consider "blocking" if some functionality is not working in those, whereas those with the checkmark are those that we want to be supporting, and will attempt to have collectionspace support
[14:17:56 EDT(-0400)] * joost ( has joined #fluid-work
[14:18:08 EDT(-0400)] <kasper> but i guess it is a very confusing way of putting it
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[14:18:43 EDT(-0400)] <kasper> I'll reconsider the chart
[14:20:45 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> kasper: I think you are saying that cspace has two-tiers of support, similar to yahoo's grading of browsers... and that issues in some browsers will have higher priority in those of others...
[14:20:52 EDT(-0400)] * michelled (~michelled@ has joined #fluid-work
[14:21:53 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> if it is possible you may want to try to define what would classify as a blocker in one and not the other... i'm not sure how possible this is
[14:21:54 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> though
[14:22:51 EDT(-0400)] <kasper> justin_o: that's a good idea with saying it's a two tiers support
[14:24:08 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> kasper: also it looks like your grid is changing on different pages (although the browsers marked look consistent).. If you aren't doing this already, you may want to use confluences import feature to have your chart on a single page and then import it into the appropriate places. This will save you a lot of time and potential error when you need to change it.
[14:24:33 EDT(-0400)] <kasper> justin_u: I think for now (given our limited time) that all issues related to tier one browsers have priorities according to the table on this page
[14:25:10 EDT(-0400)] <kasper> whereas tier two does not block, but we will make an effort to fix those bugs (though with a lower priority than tier 1)
[14:25:49 EDT(-0400)] <kasper> justin_o: yeah, I just realized this feature existed .. Now i just need to remember what pages i put the support chart in
[14:26:11 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> (smile) yah.. it's always harder after the fact... took me a while to track all of ours down too..
[14:26:56 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> kasper: i think just explaining that those second tier browsers only have priorities up to critical would be fine, like the way you just explained it here
[14:27:17 EDT(-0400)] <kasper> justin_o: yeah
[14:27:27 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> or just saying that issues to those won't block release
[14:27:43 EDT(-0400)] <kasper> justin_o: yeah, that makes sense
[14:34:51 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> kasper: i think those are some pretty good detailed pages.. you might want to consider making a quick version, especially for people who may just want to drop by and help out with testing. People tend not to want to read a lot of text so something that is quick and simple to get them off and running would be good.. and then have these for more indepth reading... I don't think you'd want to have the parts about creating and updating test plans on the q
[14:34:52 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> version, but those are definitely good to have documentation on.
[14:38:29 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> I don't think you'd want to have the parts about creating and updating test plans on the quick version, but those are definitely good to have documentation on.
[14:38:46 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> kasper: sorry, michelled told me that the end got cut off so i reposted it above
[14:38:56 EDT(-0400)] <kasper> justin_o: yeah, quick and dirty teststarter makes sense
[14:39:37 EDT(-0400)] <kasper> justin_o: hehe yeah .. i was wondering whether "on the q" was some fancy us/canadian slang that i didn't understand (big grin)
[14:39:52 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> lol
[14:39:56 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> (smile) we aren't that fancy
[14:40:21 EDT(-0400)] <kasper> hehe
[14:42:47 EDT(-0400)] <kasper> justin_o: well, thanks a lot for the feedback and taking time to look through it.. highly appreciated!
[14:43:24 EDT(-0400)] <jamon> Justin_o: apt-get install php5 and /etc/init.d/apache2 restart are what you're after
[14:44:25 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> kasper: no problem, glad to help (smile)
[14:45:04 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> jamon: I think it told me to install php5-cli which is what i've installed...
[14:45:16 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> last i tried i got the page loading but there was a server error
[14:45:40 EDT(-0400)] <jamon> ah ok
[14:46:20 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> okay... i'm downloading php5 now, i guess i did the wrong one before... i think it was php-cli actually... (sad)
[14:48:09 EDT(-0400)] <jamon> Justin_o: you should see the php server token when browsing to a 404 page
[14:48:16 EDT(-0400)] <jamon> e.g. localhost/foo
[14:48:35 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> jamon: just getting a 500 error in firebug
[15:15:54 EDT(-0400)] * jessm ( has joined #fluid-work