Wiki Markup |
h2. Near Term Releases || Version || [0.4|#decapod-0.4] || [0.5|#decapod-0.5] || [0.6|#decapod-0.6] || [1.0|#decapod-1.0] || || Release Date | July 2010 | Sept. 2010 | tbd | Apr. 2011 || {anchor:decapod-0.4} h2. Decapod 0.4: Camera Calibration and Bug Fixes {panel:title=Decapod 0.4 Release Dates} Pre-freeze Testing: JuneJuly 2912 - 3013 Feature Freeze: July 514 - 916 Release Testing: July 1219 - 1421 Release: July 21 15- 22 {panel} {rss:url=|max=11|showTitlesOnly=true} {anchor:decapod-0.5} h2. Decapod 0.5 {panel:title=Decapod 0.5 Release Dates} tbd {panel} UI Development: * Remove Stitching if required (see: [DECA-100|]) * Accessibility improvements ** [DECA-84|] ** [DECA-74|] ** [DECA-77|] ** [DECA-78|] Server: * [DECA-98|] File system import (finish mock server consolidation). See [Decapod 0.3 Design under "Import File Folder"|Decapod 0.3 Design#import_files]. Design: * Generate Stereo Calibration wireframes if necessary (check with progress / velocity of 3D stereoi dewarp at this time). {note:title=All Issues for Release 0.5} * [0.5 Jira Filter|]{note} {anchor:decapod-0.6} h2. "0.6 Release" - Automatic Post-Capture Processing and Performance * Speed up capture time ** Measure capture and stitching performance. ** Should we process large resolution images post capture or on export (and use scaled versions post-capture?). * Early 3D dewarping * Better font generation * More usable PDFs ** basic automated image QA: image rotation, binarization, content area detection. See [Post-Capture Processing|Post-Capture Processing] {note:title=All Issues for Release 0.6} * [0.6 Jira Filter|] {note} {anchor:decapod-1.0} h2. "1.0 Release" Numbers in brackets indicate priority. (1) = highest. (3) = lowest. h3. Book management [See Decapod Dashboard Wireframe|Decapod Dashboard]. (!) Related to mock server "session" management? * begin a book *(1)* (Unscheduled, related to mock server sessions?) * list of all books *(2)* (Unscheduled) * resume a book (probably the default action) *(2)* (Unscheduled) * inport Decapod book from disk * book-specific operations: ** delete, *(3)* (Unscheduled) ** export, *(3)* (Unscheduled) ** editing metadata, *(3)* (Unscheduled) ** general information (size, location) *(3)* (Unscheduled) h3. Calibration [Early Wireframe|Camera Setup Wizard] booklib-style *(1)* (Release 0.5) * camera rotation: test pictures with both cameras, may need to reorient pages (via software transform) * identifying left page-right page cameras * book positioning, s.t. individual pages are fully captured (may involve repositioning book and/or cameras) * possibly doable in one-step stereo *(1)* (Release 0.5 or Release 0.6) * camera position information: multiple surface pictures (live preview likely not available) * ensuring book spread is in complete view for both cameras (each camera has to capture both pages fully) general * camera connections & support h3. Capture/editing/page-level management * manual capture: *(1)* ** keyboard (Release 0.5) ** mouse (Release 0.3) ** pedal input (Unscheduled) * delete pages *(1)* (Release 0.3, 0.4) * reorder pages: ** near-reorder (Release 0.3) *(1)* * recalibration *(1)* (Release 0.5) * progress indication (possibly; unless we backload all the heavy processing and deal with downscaled images during user workflow)/feedback *(1)* * Stereo dewarp *(1)* (Release 0.6) * Post-capture Quality control: *{_}automatic{_}* binarizing, book frame, content bounding, deskewing automatically *(1)* ** See [Post-Capture Processing|Post-Capture Processing]) * auto-capture (time interval) *(2)* (unscheduled) * live preview, if supported *(2)* (unscheduled) * document metadata *(2)* (unscheduled) * undo delete/reorder *(2)* (unscheduled) * Post-capture Quality control: *{_}manual{_}* interaction (hence UIs) may be needed if results are poor.\* insertion\* *(2)* (unscheduled) ** Stereo rotation correction. (2) (unscheduled) ** See [Post-Capture Processing|Post-Capture Processing]) * zoom/loupe/100% crop *(3)* (unscheduled) * recapture\* *(3)* (unscheduled) * draggable Capture insert position * grid and list views * recapture * Thumbnails: Post Capture Processing indicators ** Image in Queue ** Image being processed ** Image processed * Page Preview: ** "Click anywhere to capture" control ** Display "raw" left and right images if not processed. ** Display processed images if processed *Bounding boxes: ** Left and right bounding boxes ** Single bounding box ** Apply-left bounding box to subsequent left pages. ** Apply-right bounding box to subsequent right pages. ** Collision detection and error message. h3. Export (could happen at book management or capture stage) * Export to PDF: ** pdf-image *(1)* (Release 0.3) ** pdf with images and ocr *(1)* (Release 0.6) ** pdf with generated fonts*(1)* (Release 0.6) ** pdf with generated fonts and OCR. ** [See Decapod 0.3 Design - Export|Decapod 0.3 Design#export] *(1)* * Export to Binary Formats: ** unprocessed multipage TIFF *(1)* (unscheduled) ** processed PNGs ** Dewarped TIFFs (no other processing). * Export to Decapod formats: ** Full Decapod package ** Basic Decapod package (only what is needed to generate PDFs) * preview before export? *(3)* * possible link to the file afterward so they can open it *(3)* h3. End User Deliverable and Packaging * Easy installation ** Double-click install ** Live CD install * System support matrix. ** Cameras. See [gphoto2 testing] ** Library versions for camera support ** Minimum system req's (related to benchmarking?) {note:title=All Issues for Release 1.0} [1.0 Jira Filter|] {note} |
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