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  1. Discuss new high-level questions (are we missing any?)
    1. What is our goal/mission? (tick)
    2. Who is our audience? (tick)
    3. How can patterns add value to the Fluid Community?
    4. How can we contribute to the larger design pattern community?
    5. How will this pattern library add value to the existing pattern libraries? How is it different?
    6. What do we mean by "design patterns"/what is the scope of our work? Should we concentrate only on interaction design patterns, or include other human computer interaction or programming or architecture patterns as well? What types of patterns are within the scope of the OSDPL?
    7. Where can the group discuss these questions?
    8. How do we get the word out about where and when and how we're discussing this?
    9. How can we foster a community to advise and assist with the creation of the pattern library?
  2. Future meetings
    1. Note-taking
    2. Next meeting date
  3. Sign up for work on the OSDPL
    1. Tweak styling of OSPL site and check cross browser behaviour
    2. Check OSDPL modules for updates
    3. Modify pattern data entry form to allow entry of multiple examples
    4. Create & document database back-up process for OSDPL
    5. Remove "in" from OSDPL pages that aren't in a category


Meeting Notes