Versions Compared


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This is intended as a discussion for us all to learn from each other. You have all had wonderful training from the Invictus Games and have access to the IGH Accessibility Guidelines. I’m sure we can learn something from you! (notes were added from the open discussion with the volunteers and manager. The discussion took place in the IGH prior to opening to the athletes)


  • Don’t speak to a person’s aide when addressing a person.
  • Have a pad and pen to communicate with if need be.
  • Smart phone with google translate.
  • Don’t jump in and assume a certain type of help. ASK.
    • Can I help?

    • Yes.

    • How can I help?

  • Consider language such as “can I get something for you”. Sometimes the word “help” can have assumptions.
  • Approach within clear sight lines of the person, not from behind or with loud, quick sounds/gestures.
  • Key symptoms of PTSD: emotionally numb, re-experience due to triggers, feeling jumpy, difficulty concentrating, irritated, angered. Source:

Key items in the room

Created a quite area away from the audio/visuals and with low lighting.
