- Before beginning, know where your project files will reside. We will build Infusion (which contains UI Options) and copy its files to your project directory.
- In your project directory, create a sub-directory called "temp". We will use this to hold intermediate files which can be deleted once Infusion and UI Options is built.
- Install node.js by following the instructions on their website. node.js will give you access to npm which is a repository for Open Source projects and libraries. This is how we will get Infusion and the latest UI Options.
- Now open a command line and change directories so you are located in the temp sub-directory in your project directory.
- On Windows:
- Launch Powershell: Go to Start, then "Run". Type "powershell" into the run text field and press Enter.
- In the Powershell window, change directories to your project by typing "cd $Desktop\my-project\temp" (without the quotes) and pressing Enter.
- On Mac:
- Launch Terminal: Go to Spotlight Search (the magnifying glass in the top-right corner), search for "Terminal", and then press Enter.
- In the Terminal window, change directories to your project by typing "cd ~/Desktop/my-project/temp" (without the quotes) and pressing Enter.
- On Windows:
- Install grunt by typing in the command line "
npm install -g grunt-cli
"- On MacOS, if you get an "Error: EACCESS: Permission denied..." message, you may have to run "sudo npm install -g grunt-cli" instead. You will have to enter your computer password to proceed with installing grunt.
- Get Infusion by typing "npm install infusion" in the command line and pressing Enter. The process will run and a new directory called node_modules will be created as a result.
- Using the command line, change directory into the infusion directory that's been created within node_modules.
- On Windows type: "cd node_modules\infusion" (without quotes) and press Enter.
- On Mac type: "cd node_modules/infusion" (without quotes) and press Enter.
- Now build Infusion by typing "npm install" (without quotes) and press Enter. Once that is done, type "grunt" without quotes and press Enter.
- The